Best 30 day model:
Under these requirements, insurance evaluates the BEST 30 day period of usage, within the 90 day usage trial. It could be in the beginning, middle, or end of the 90 day period. Your machine transmits this data automatically, and we are able to determine when you meet your usage goals. Our Clinical Support Team will work with you to help you to meet your compliance requirements.
Example: if you received your machine on 8/15/2020, your 90 day trial lasts from 8/15/2020 to 11/15/2020. Satisfying compliance requirements within this time frame requires you to use your PAP unit for 4+ hours, for 21 out of 30 days within these 90 days.
You could meet your insurance requirement as early as the first three weeks(8/15-9/4) by using the machine every day for 4 hours or more. Alternately, you could meet your usage requirements as late as 10/15-11/15.
Last 30 day Model:
With this style, your insurance company only evaluates the LAST 30 days of your usage data. It might be helpful to view the first two months of therapy like practice- it’s a time for you to become comfortable with therapy, where you can then satisfy the usage requirement during the last month of the trial.
Example. You receive your machine on 8/15. Your 90 day trial is from 8/15-11/15.
Insurance evaluates your usage from 10/15/20 to 11/15/20. Your usage would need to be 4 hours or more daily, for 21 days in the 30 day period of 10/15-11/15.
*Please call our compliance team at 781.551.3335 x 3388 or email [email protected] with any additional questions about your specific plans compliance requirements.